Here it is, the advice column that you asked for!

I am no expert but am willing to offer my opinion and thoughts on any topic you ask me about. All comments are moderated so submit your questions in any comment field and I will answer them publically on this blog. If you forget to sign your name with an alias (ie: Sad in S.D.), I will make one up for you.
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Remember - my advice is free... and you get what you pay for!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

July 18, 2009

dear jessica,

I'm 15. Last weekend, me and three of girlfriends snuck out of my house at a sleepover at 1 am. A cop saw us in a park and brought us home because it was past curfew. We weren't doing anything wrong. Now, my mom plans to tell all my friends moms, even though nothing happened bad. I don't see why. One of my friends already has a lot of trouble in her family, and she doesn't need more! Why would my mom want to add to the drama? She is so lame. How can I convince her to drop it?

Signed, Can't wait until I'm 18.


Dear Can't wait to be 18,

In life, when we make decisions there are consequences. There is nothing good that can happen at a park at 1:00 am for four 15 year old girls. And if you and your three friends hadn't made the decision to sneak out of the house at such a late hour of the night, then you would not be facing the consequences you are now dealing with; and neither would your friends.

As hard as it might be to understand right now, the reason your mom is going to tell your friends' parents is because she is concerned about you, your friends and your lack of judgment. And your friends' parents have a right to know what their kids are doing and the types of decisions they are making. If I was the parent of one of your friends and my daughter snuck out and then got returned home by a cop at 1:00 am, I would be very upset if your mother didn't tell me.

Having said that, what kind of drama is your friend currently facing in her home? Is she making poor decisions and constantly facing consequences (and now this park situation is just another situation)? Or is there something more serious going on that is putting your friend in danger and/or in an abusive situation. If it's the latter, then you need to talk to a trusted adult about your friend's safety. If the drama is because of your friend's poor decisions then your friend is experiencing the consequences of making bad decisions.

Or is there a lot of drama that has nothing to do with her (ie: parents divorcing, sibling in lots of trouble, family facing financial problems, etc)? If that is the case, maybe you need to sit down with your friend and a school counselor, church leader, or another adult you trust and help your friend figure out how she can contribute to her family in a positive way, rather than contributing to the problems that her parents are already having to deal with.

Clearly you desire to be considered an adult (you signed yourself "can't wait to be 18") - this is your opportunity to act like an adult. You made an adult decision and now it's time to handle the consequences like an adult. And whatever the case may be with your friend, I recommend you talk to your mom about your concerns regarding your friend- with a good attitude and open mind to whatever feedback your mom has. As hard as it is to accept at your age (I've been where you are), parents really do have a better idea of what is best for you than you do. They were 15 once, too. And I'd be willing to bet your mom has made similar decisions as you did. I'm a big fan of heart to heart talks.

And I'd encourage you to think through all your decisions and consider the possible consequences in the future (whether its a decision to sneak out, go to college, get a job, have sex, drink alcohol etc). If there are consequences you are unwilling to accept then maybe you need to re-think your decision.

(And if you know me personally, I'd be willing to talk more about this in depth, but I honestly have no idea who you are... or feel free to email me at the email address in the column to your right).

Wanting the best for you,



Anonymous said...

excellent response Jess--as a Mom of 2 teenage boys--I would be very upset with both my boys if they snuck out and went to a park at 1 a.m. with their buddies--I'd be more upset if the parent of the other boy didn't tell me this went on--All kids (regardless of age) sometimes make poor choices (even adults do this) --the most important thing is to LEARN from them hence becoming smarter and more responsible!!