Here it is, the advice column that you asked for!

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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

November 18, 2009

dear jessica,

A friend brought me an audiobook to listen to while I'm in physical therapy, and she's eager to know what I think of it because a friend of hers wrote it. I listened to the first chapter today, and it's poorly written and cheesy. Now what do I do? I don't want to listen to the rest, but I also don't want to hurt her feelings and tell her the truth. What can I do to smooth this over?Signed,

I'd Rather Snooze


Dear "Rather Snooze,"

That is a tough situation. My first thought is, did your friend read the book? Maybe they don't know how cheesy the book is? Or maybe the friend isn't as well read as you are so she may not recognize a high quality book if it hit her between the eyes? I guess answering those questions really doesn't get you anywhere. haha - okay...

I guess what I would do is say that you tried listening to it but it's not the style of book you normally listen to/read (in other words, you prefer the non-cheesy style) so you are having a hard time getting into it. Then ask her if she'd mind having another friend check out the book; a friend who is into that style of book. Or recommend a friend of yours you can pass it on to (if you know anyone who is into the cheesy book thing).

Or, maybe you could ask her if she *really* wants the truth and if so, give it to her. I mean, hey, she's asking. And if her friend wants to be an author, she would hopefully appreciate the feedback.

The final option you have is to just plow through and "listen" to the book. Maybe you could listen to it at a time other than while you are in PT and listen with a friend. That way you can make fun of it together! And then when the friend who recommended the book asks you what you thought, you could say you were entertained - she/he doesn't have to know that you were entertained because you made fun of it the whole time!

Good luck. Let me know what you decide!
